
Kidney Pain vs. Back Pain: How to Tell the Difference

Kidney Pain vs. Back Pain: How to Tell the Difference

Do you ever feel a surge of pain in your lower back? This could happen for various reasons and can even be caused by different parts of your body. Pain that originates underneath the ribcage and towards the bottom of your back can be a sure sign that your back needs repair; or, it could … Read more


How are Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke Related?

It’s no secret that high blood pressure can lead to a multitude of health risks and conditions. Three of the most common diseases related to having high blood pressure include hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. While the diagnostic process for these three conditions may be different, and symptoms can show themselves in vastly different ways, … Read more

What Can I Eat on a Renal Diet?

What Can I Eat on a Renal Diet?

Kidney diseases and ailments can take a drastic toll on the body. If you are on the path to recovery, you need to monitor your diet very carefully and restrict yourself to certain foods that won’t trigger any symptoms. As a leading board-certified kidney specialist, Dr. Gura wants kidney patients to understand the basics of a renal … Read more

Can High Blood Pressure Cause a Stroke?

Can High Blood Pressure Cause a Stroke?

The number one cause of death in adults is a stroke, which is a major physical event that can also lead to permanent disability and damage. If you are at risk for a stroke, it likely means that you are dealing with high blood pressure. There are several ways in which high blood pressure can … Read more

Glucose meter with fruits and vegetables in shape of clock, healthy eating for breakfast concept

Unexplained Weight Loss? How Diabetes May be Contributing

Have you suddenly lost a lot of weight, even though you aren’t actively exercising or going on a diet? Are you concerned about sudden weight loss in your loved one? There may be a contributing explanation for this phenomenon. As a metabolic disease, diabetes can affect the way your body controls important levels of substances within the … Read more

Can Your Kidneys Burst?

Can Your Kidneys Burst?

If you’re a sports-minded individual, you know how many precautions you need to take to be physically safe, especially if you are on a contact sports team. You’ve probably heard stories about some of the more common athletic injuries, but did you know that kidney injuries are one of the most prominent injuries suffered by … Read more

What are the Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Obstruction?

What are the Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Obstruction?

Urinating is a part of everyday life. So much so, that we barely tend to think about it. It’s an automated response that when we feel the urge to urinate, we go to a restroom to do so. This basic task can quickly become a nuisance though when it goes awry, such as with a … Read more

Type 2 Diabetes

How Often Should You Be Getting a Physical Exam?

From a very early age, we are told that we need to invest in regular physical exams from the doctor to make sure that our health continues to be in order. This is a good rule of thumb to follow throughout life, no matter what age you are. At the office of Dr. Gura, Board Certified Kidney Specialist … Read more

Type 2 Diabetes

How Does Diabetes Affect the Body?

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney failure and health problems in the United States. It is becoming an increasing problem, with more and more diagnoses each year. One reason why it may not be on the radar as often as other diseases are is because patients are unaware how diabetes can affect the … Read more

How to Lower High Blood Pressure

How to Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of death in America. The problem with high blood pressure is that many people go years without knowing they have it until it’s too late. This is why it’s important to get regular check-ups with your doctor to monitor you and take the appropriate steps to … Read more