How are Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke Related?

It’s no secret that high blood pressure can lead to a multitude of health risks and conditions. Three of the most common diseases related to having high blood pressure include hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. While the diagnostic process for these three conditions may be different, and symptoms can show themselves in vastly different ways, there are several connections between them. Below we will look at how hypertension, heart disease, and stroke are related.

At the office of Dr. Gura, it is our duty to educate and inform our patients to help them receive the best treatment possible. Hypertension, heart disease, and stroke may be related in more ways than you think. As an internist, Dr. Gura is a hypertension specialist and ready to help you keep you healthy inside and out.


What exactly are these three diseases, and what are their characteristics?


Hypertension means you have high blood pressure, which is a condition that puts you at risk for the development of other ailments like a stroke or heart disease. This is especially because high blood pressure thickens blood vessels and makes it more difficult for blood to travel freely through your veins.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is caused by thick blood vessels and arteries. The heart must work harder and fight to maintain regular circulation, which can cause many problems and ultimately lead to failure.


A stroke can happen for several reasons. One of the most common reasons includes the failure to treat hypertension properly. Hypertension leads to the clogging of blood vessels, which can burst in the brain and cause a hemorrhage. A stroke will greatly impair the basic and necessary functions of your body, which can have permanent damage on your well-being.

Keeping an Eye on Blood Pressure Levels

High blood pressure ultimately leads to several negative conditions and diseases. The earlier you can recognize and get treatment for hypertension, the better chances you have at preventing your hypertension, turning into a stroke or heart disease.

Unfortunately, hypertension is strongly linked to stroke and heart disease. According to the CDC, 80% of Americans who have had a stroke and 70% of Americans with heart disease also suffer from hypertension.

What Preventions Are Available?

Getting diagnosed as early as possible gives you a good chance of preventing the disease from returning.

At the office of Dr. Gura, we recommend the following lifestyle changes before your high blood pressure turns into chronic hypertension:

  • Regular exercise and weight maintenance. Keeping your body in shape and investing in healthy habits is not just good for your blood pressure, but for your entire body.
  • Low sodium diets. Sodium and cholesterol are the biggest contributors to heart disease and problems with the blood. You may also benefit from adding more fiber, potassium, and calcium to your daily intake.
  • Medication. In some cases, Dr. Gura may prescribe you beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, or potassium replacements to help your body remain regulated while you work on having a healthier lifestyle.

If you are worried about the state of your health, or you have had issues with blood pressure in the past, it’s important to visit a trusted expert right away.

Lower Your Blood Pressure and Decrease Your Risks!

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to spot the early signs of hypertension since there are almost no visible symptoms. While certain habits or lifestyle patterns may indicate that someone is at risk for the development of heart complications, there is no single symptom that patients can be on the lookout for.

However, there are specific ways to lower blood pressure and invest in a healthier lifestyle to reduce the risk of a stroke or heart failure. Dr. Gura recommends that you get regular checkups to ensure that your blood pressure levels are stable. Knowing how hypertension, heart disease, and stroke are related is the key first step in lowering your risks.

For more information, contact us online or give us a call at (310) 550-6240 to set an appointment.