Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine Specialist

Preventative medicine is essential for helping identify diseases in their earliest stages so they can be treated. As a top-ranked internist in Beverly Hills, California, Dr. Gura offers comprehensive preventative care services aimed at helping patients enjoy optimal health at every age.
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Building Lifelong Well-Being

Preventative care aims to equip patients with the knowledge and care they need to live long, healthy, and fulfilling lives. From patient education to adaptive care regimens, Dr. Gura works closely with patients to provide solutions that work.

Each Patient Is Unique

Factors from family medical history to lifestyle can all impact each person’s risk for various diseases. We take an approach that considers each element of what makes you unique. Preventative medicine has no single approach, but it instead works best by adjusting and adapting to find what a patient needs to reduce risk for disease and feel at their best.

Patient-Centric Education

When you visit us, everything is private but individual and personal as we take care of your specific questions and needs. Preventative care is about more than just routine visits to the doctor. It starts with your life at home. That is why we take the time to provide patient education, empowering you to take extra steps throughout your day to improve your health. From suggesting dietary adjustments to physical routines, we work with patients to ensure they are equipped with knowledge to boost their health.

Preventative Medicine Q & A

Preventative medicine is the area of medicine that’s focused on preventing diseases and helping patients lead healthier lives, relying on health screenings and medical histories to help determine an individual’s risks for developing specific diseases or medical conditions so a care plan can be developed to reduce those risks. A preventative care plan often includes changes in lifestyle, like losing weight, eating healthier, being more active or quitting smoking, in addition to medical options like medication. As part of an overall health strategy, preventative medicine can help patients understand their risk factors and address them early so they can enjoy better health and improved quality of life.
The best way to determine if you’re at risk for serious medical issues is to have a preventative exam and consultation to help identify your risk factors for diseases. During the exam, you’ll be asked to provide a complete personal and family medical history to look for potential risk factors that could increase your risk for diseases. You’ll also have a physical exam including a blood pressure screening, and lab work including urine testing and blood testing will also be ordered, either during or before your visit. Other tests may also be ordered. Based on the data gathered from tests and your medical history, a risk profile can be developed that can help guide care to reduce specific health-related risks.
Today, there are dozens of health screenings available to help patients manage their risks and avoid serious diseases. The type and frequency of testing you may need will vary based on your personal and family medical history, your age, your gender and other factors. Several federal health agencies maintain guidelines providing recommendations for different types of health screenings. The best way to know which screenings could be beneficial for your needs is to schedule an office visit so you can be evaluated.

Key Preventative Screenings

While preventative care is for all ages, there are a few key preventative screening exams that patients will begin to need at a certain age. These include:

Weight and lifestyle, blood pressure, cholesterol, prediabetes screening just to mention a few.

Set Up Your Next Preventative Visit Today

In nearly every medical condition, the sooner you understand your situation, the better your treatment odds. Early detection and prevention are the best defense against future problems. Book your preventative care visit with Dr. Gura in Beverly Hills today by calling our office.