How Does Diabetes Affect the Body?

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney failure and health problems in the United States. It is becoming an increasing problem, with more and more diagnoses each year. One reason why it may not be on the radar as often as other diseases are is because patients are unaware how diabetes can affect the body. Los Angeles kidney specialistDr. Guraknows that people at risk of kidney failure may not be aware of their diabetes symptoms.

Know the signs and symptoms of diabetes, both long and short-term.

The Short-Term Signs of Diabetes

Before you are diagnosed with diabetes, you may be experiencing one of the following symptoms:

  1. Constant or increased thirst
  2. Tiredness and fatigue
  3. Blurry vision
  4. Frequent urge to urinate
  5. A tingling sensation in the limbs or hands

Experiencing one or all of these symptoms at an increased rate is a sure sign of diabetes. It’s important to get in touch with a specialist right away to come up with a formalized treatment plan.

Long-Term Effects

According to Diabetes CO UK, diabetes that isn’t under control will lead to more and more severe health problems. Over time, patients will start feeling the negative effects of one or more of the following:

  1. Increased risk of coronary heart disease
  2. Pain and swelling in certain parts of the body
  3. Damage to blood vessels anywhere in the body
  4. Risk of heart attack or stroke
  5. Damage to the skin, digestive system, sex organs, teeth, or immune system
  6. Damage to the limbs, requiring possible amputation
  7. Hearing and vision loss
  8. Sores become very slow to heal
  9. Increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia
  10. Problems with blood circulation

Diabetes has a very close link with heart disease. As heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, it’s important to get a handle on those symptoms before they cause irreversible damage throughout the body.

Risk Factors of Diabetes

Along with the devastating effects that diabetes can have on the body, these symptoms are exacerbated if a patient has been exposed to risk factors. The leading risk factor for diabetes is genetics; family history of diabetes should be taken seriously. Those who know of diabetes in the family should schedule a consultation for a diabetes screening. Diabetes can vary by type, but all types of diabetes require thorough screening and diagnosis.

Along with family history, age and weight play a factor in risk. Some people are more likely to develop the disease as they get older, whether or not there is genetic history. Those who are overweight are also more at risk. This is because the fattier tissue that exists in the body, the harder it is for cells to take in insulin. They become more resistant, which is why some diabetics need regular insulin shots to regulate their conditions.

Inactivity can also be a risk factor for diabetes. Whether or not an inactive person gains weight, their stagnation leads to the same resistance by cells to insulin. Daily exercise and better nutritional habits are some of the best ways to protect yourself from developing diabetes, even if other risk factors are present.

Know Your Diabetes Status Today!

Getting an early grapple on the beginning signs of diabetes can be difficult to accomplish alone. If you fear that you’re at risk for Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, don’t ignore the signs. The longer you wait, the more drastic the effects can be on the body. Dr. Gura offers specialized diabetes treatmentsthat can help reduce your risk. Lifestyle changes and glucose control are the biggest ways to keep this disease at bay. To schedule your consultation, contact us online or give us a call at (310) 550-6240 to speak with a staff member. The longer you wait, the more at risk you are. Get your diabetes symptoms under control today!