
Exercise Plan for Those with Diabetes

Exercise Plan for Those with Diabetes

Along with proper meal planning, taking medications as prescribed, and stress management, your diabetes doctor in Los Angeles will advise you that regular aerobic and weight bearing exercise can help control the symptoms of diabetes. Aerobic exercise in particular can also help prevent the onset of type II diabetes. How Aerobic Exercise Helps Control Diabetes Aerobic exercise: … Read more

Diabetes Symptoms and Warning Signs

Diabetes Symptoms and Warning Signs

With so many Americans suffering from diabetes, it is important to know the warning signs and be aware of diabetes symptoms before it is too late. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 100 million Americans are affected by diabetes or prediabetes, and those numbers are steadily increasing each year. Dr. Gura is … Read more

The Importance of Regular Physical Exams

The Importance of Regular Physical Exams

Having an annual physical exam is an important part of maintaining your overall health and it provides your doctor with critical information about your health so you can get the best guidance and care as you age. Our medical needs change over time and it is easier to catch these sometimes subtle but significant changes … Read more

Dining Out with Your Kidneys in Mind

Dining Out with Your Kidneys in Mind

Kidney function is critical to our overall health. When our kidneys aren’t functioning properly, it impacts our body’s ability to clean and filter out extra water from our blood as well as helping to control our blood pressure. Damaged kidneys allow waste products and fluid to build up in our bodies causing ankle swelling, weakness, … Read more

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings with a host of changes to the body, and those with diabetes need to be especially aware of the risks of being pregnant. Pregnancy can have an impact on blood sugar levels as well as medications. It’s important for women to understand the risks to themselves and their child before they become pregnant. … Read more

Kidney Disease in Younger Patients

Kidney Disease in Younger Patients

Kidney disease is difficult to detect in adults but it’s even more difficult with children. Whether old or young, the symptoms can be ambiguous, and children might not always share the things going on in their bodies with their parents and they might not even understand exactly what is happening. Damaged kidneys allow waste products … Read more

Chronic Kidney Disease

Protecting Against Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney function is critical to our overall health. When our kidneys aren’t functioning properly, it impacts our body’s ability to clean and filter out extra water from our blood as well as helping to control our blood pressure. Damaged kidneys allow waste products and fluid to build up in our bodies causing ankle swelling, weakness, … Read more

Understanding Your Kidneys

Understanding Your Kidneys

Your kidneys are vital organs that are integral to the waste process. They serve an important role in your body, and it’s necessary to make sure the kidneys are healthy and strong at all times. In order to help you understand the role and function of the kidneys, our friendly staff members at the office … Read more

What Causes Kidney Disease?

What Causes Kidney Disease?

Kidney function is critical to our overall health. When our kidneys aren’t functioning properly, it impacts our body’s ability to clean and filter out extra water from our blood as well as helping to control our blood pressure. To learn more about kidney health and to get in touch with the top kidney specialist in Los … Read more

Everybody Pees: Using Humor to Raise Kidney Health Awareness

Everybody Pees: Using Humor to Raise Kidney Health Awareness

The US National Kidney Foundation (NKF) has rolled out a humorous and educational campaign to encourage people to take care of their kidneys. The campaign is the organization’s first attempt to motivate people to get their urine screened from a relatable, lighthearted consumer angle. With an animated video entitled ‘Everybody Pees’ plus a dedicated website … Read more