Is a Physical Exam the Same Thing as a Checkup?

Your primary care physician should be contacted to schedule an annual exam. There are many guidelines regarding how often someone should have their physical and mental health checked, depending on age and any other medical conditions. One of the most popular questions that patients ask their kidney specialist in Los Angeles is, “Is a physical exam the same thing as a checkup?”, and “What are the parts of a physical exam that I need?”

Is a Physical Exam the Same Thing as a Checkup?

Our Los Angeles doctor can help schedule a physical exam to meet your needs. During physical exams, you may have many questions that our experts can help you with. Our experts have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and their answers below to help you be fully prepared.

What is a Physical Exam and How is it Different From a Checkup?

A routine annual physical can be completed in as little as 30-60 minutes. These are essential for keeping track of any changes in your health over the years. These appointments can quickly detect any signs or abnormalities that could affect your health. No matter your age, it’s important to visit a trusted doctor. Professional monitoring can help you to identify any changes in your body.

It is a great time to ask questions about your health and recent discomforts. Talking to your doctor about your health is a great way to discuss any concerns you might have and get a physical exam. A variety of tests can be included in your physical exam. Your doctor may recommend additional testing based on your age, medical history, or family history.

What Types of Tests Should I Expect in a Physical Exam?

Any changes to your health will be reflected in your annual medical update. These could include allergies, medication changes, injuries, and surgery. These tests are possible:

Physical Examination

A checkup will most likely include important activities such as listening to your heartbeat and lungs and testing your motor function. It may also include checking your skin and hair for excess oil. Depending on your bodily needs, certain medications or treatments may be prescribed.

Vital Signs Examination

These tests include electrocardiogram (EKG) and blood pressure. These tests measure your blood pressure and respiratory rates. You may be referred to additional tests if there are any abnormalities.

Visual Exam

To check for possible conditions, a visual exam is recommended. Your doctor will use a visual inspection to determine if there are any conditions. They will continue with the physical exam if nothing is suspicious.

Lab Screenings

Your doctor might draw blood or urine to check for high cholesterol, kidney disease, diabetes, or other conditions. High cholesterol and diabetes can lead to heart disease. This information is important as you age, since your body will show more symptoms.

Do I Need to See My Primary Care Doctor?

Your primary healthcare provider should be your first line of contact for any health concerns. While your primary care physician (PCP), can assist with most of your health issues, specialist care may be required from time to time. If you have any concerns during your exam, your doctor will help you decide the next steps in your care plan.

Your doctor will help you not only address your current health issues but also ensure that you are informed about any possible future health issues. Ask your doctor for advice on how to improve your diet and what physical activities you should be engaging in. You should ask your doctor about which habits to stop or begin, and what medications to prescribe.

Get your Physical Exam Today!

The annual exam schedule will help you keep up with exams or get you up-to-speed if you haven’t had one in a while. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Gura, get in touch with your local physical exam specialist in Beverly Hills. Keep your health in top shape for a long and happy life. And never stop asking us the important questions!