Recommended Health Screenings Throughout Life

As one progresses through life, staying on top of routine health screenings can help you stay informed on your general state of health. In addition, it can help prevent you from falling prey to chronic health issues that become worse with time. Below, we cover recommended health screenings throughout life.

However, in order to benefit from these screenings, you need to know which ones are right for you. This can vary heavily depending on which stage of life you are at, as well as your general health status.

Recommended Health Screenings Throughout Life

If you’re considering receiving health screenings for the benefit of your health, take a look at this overview of some of the commonly employed ones by a preventative medical specialist.

Why Receive a Health Screening?

Early detection is crucial for treating many of the world’s most dangerous diseases and conditions. The best and most reliable way to detect these issues is through receiving the various health screenings that are available to us in the modern world.

Even if you’re not actively suffering from a condition that might be medically concerning, receiving the right kinds of screenings can give you peace of mind by letting you know that nothing is afoot.

No matter what your general state of health is, there are certain measurements that can be taken any time that you go into the doctor’s office. This includes the following:

  • Height and weight measurements
  • Blood pressure
  • Flu shot

Other tests are best received at different stages of life. The following outlines can give you a better idea of what to look for depending on your age.

Ages 18-39

People at these ages are less prone to developing serious health issues. However, there are certain screenings that can still benefit people of this age. The following screenings should be taken into consideration:

  • Full body skin examinations to look for suspicious moles and skin markings
  • Breast examinations for women to look for lumps
  • Pelvic exams for women
  • Starting at age 21, women should receive regular pap smears once every three years
  • You should receive one cholesterol check in your twenties to establish your base cholesterol. From there, you should receive a cholesterol check once a year every year from age 35
  • Testicular exams for men

Ages 40-64

At these ages, screenings received in the 18-39 year age group should continue to be received as recommended by your physician. In addition, the following screenings should begin to be undertaken.

  • Prostate exams and screenings should be undergone for men starting at the age of 50. However, if you’re considered a high-risk individual for prostate cancer, then you should begin this process at age 40.
  • Women should begin receiving mammograms at the age of 40, and perhaps earlier if the risk of breast cancer runs in your family.
  • Full body scans for suspicious moles and lesions should continue to be performed.
  • Fasting blood sugar levels should also be completed to determine whether or not there is a risk for diabetes.
  • A Colonoscopy should be completed at age 45. From there, colorectal cancer screenings should be completed about every 10 years.

65 and Older:

Many of the above listed screenings should be completed annually depending on their relevancy or need. The following tests should begin to be performed starting at the age of 65:

  • Ask your physician whether or not you should receive pneumococcal and shingles vaccinations
  • Undergo pneumonia vaccines every five years for certain conditions and risk factors
  • Height and weight measurements in order to determine whether or not osteoporosis is developing
  • Starting at age 65, both genders should have a bone density study every 2-5 years. If one is high risk, you might begin doing these tests at age 60 Depending on your health history, there are several other tests that might come recommended for your health.
  • CT Lung Cancer screenings should be undergone by those who have a history of heavy smoking
  • Examinations of the liver should be undergone if there is a history of heavy drinking or alcoholism
  • Kidney screenings should also be undergone by those who find this aspect of their health concerning

You should be able to discuss with your physician whether or not there are additional health screenings that you would benefit from, depending on your individual health profile. This can be discussed during your consultation with your physician.

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