Kidney Dialysis Myths and Facts

Kidney dialysis is a long-term treatment that can extend the lives of people dealing with kidney failure. Kidney disease, in its advanced stages, causes so much damage to the organs that they can no longer filter blood, leaving toxins in your body. This excess buildup of waste and fluid inside of you could prove fatal if not treated right away. Below we cover some kidney dialysis myths and facts to dispel some misinformation.

Kidney Dialysis Myths and Facts

Patients who first visit their internist in Los Angeles are often concerned about what the process entails, how long treatment lasts, and what their overall health prognosis is. It can be helpful to start by weeding through the most important kidney dialysis myths and facts to determine whether this treatment is the right step for you. Keep reading to learn more about kidney dialysis and other treatments provided by your local internist.

Myth: Dialysis Hurts

Pain is often a leading fear factor that holds people back from pursuing necessary treatment. There is a lot of concern that the dialysis treatment of cleaning your blood will be constantly painful or at least highly uncomfortable.

Fact: Treatment is Painless

While there is always a pinch of pain when needles are going into your body, you should not experience any other type of pain. Your doctor will give you clear instructions to follow that will help you feel healthy and comfortable all throughout the dialysis experience.

Myth: Dialysis is a Burden

Many individuals fear that going through such an intensive treatment will place a huge tax on their families. Worrying about financial, emotional, and physical stress can not only lengthen the amount of time spent on dialysis treatment but also impede the patient’s ability to recover in peak health.

Fact: Dialysis is a Benefit

Fortunately, many patients report feeling better after their dialysis treatment, which can actually help to ease the burdens that might be placed on their support systems. Dialysis patients are able to engage in work and social activities, helping them feel independent with their life and choices once again.

Myth: Dialysis Means Death

A lot of people fear the word dialysis itself because it immediately conjures up negative connotations of illness, weakness, loss of bodily autonomy, and eventual death. Once dialysis treatment is prescribed, doesn’t it mean the end is near?

Fact: Dialysis Means Life

Dialysis is indeed a big decision that is made together with the help of your doctor, your care team, your family, and yourself. But that doesn’t mean that dialysis is spelling out the final chapter of your life. In fact, dialysis is a reinforcement of your commitment to life. Dialysis can extend the lives of those with even the most severe forms of kidney failure by several years, increasing their chances of receiving a donor kidney for transplant.

Myth: Dialysis is Expensive

Long-term treatments, especially those that require multiple clinic visits per week, sound like something that is far too expensive to deal with. While every insurance plan has different copay requirements, most types of dialysis treatments are covered by at least 80%. Many doctors will also offer a feasible payment plan to help you afford the best treatments without breaking the bank.

Learn More About Your Dialysis Options Today

At the office of Dr. Gura, we provide top-notch care to patients dealing with all stages of kidney disease. Whether you are experiencing the signs of kidney failure or you are looking to continue treatment after a previous diagnosis, you can visit us at any time to schedule a one-on-one consultation to get your needs covered. Contact us today to make an appointment with Dr. Gura, a top-rated kidney dialysis specialist in LA. Remember that dialysis is meant to help you and to encourage your health, which can greatly extend your life.