Exercising With High Blood Pressure

Exercising with High Blood Pressure

Having high blood pressure means that you may be faced with certain challenges, obstacles, and limitations when trying to maintain your health. It can be challenging to find the most consistent way to lower your blood pressure while investing in better habits that promote your well-being throughout life. However, exercising with high blood pressure can be beneficial. While some exercises may exacerbate your conditions, other types of exercises are recommended to help lower your blood pressure and get your inner systems back in shape. Board-certified kidney specialist Dr. Gura encourages the following exercises as a way to replenish your energy.

Cardiovascular Exercises

Exercises that focus on strengthening your heart are some of the best exercises to help those diagnosed with high blood pressure. Whether or not you’re a big fan of aerobics, these fast-paced exercises will work wonders on the whole body. Here are some examples of cardiovascular exercises that you should take part in regularly:

  • Bicycling – you can ride a bicycle or ride a stationary bike at the gym.
  • Jogging – brisk walking or jogging is the best way to manage your heart rate and keep your blood pumping.
  • Swimming – this exercise uses all muscles in the body and is an excellent way to practice aerobics.

If you are someone who would rather go to the gym to perform your exercises, check out WebMD’s guide on the best must-try cardio workouts.

Strength Training and Stretching

In addition to cardio, you should also be investing in workouts that help increase your strength. Building up muscle mass is a good way to encourage the burning of more calories, naturally increasing your metabolism to a healthier state. As you start building strength and energy in more parts of your body, your blood pressure will begin to lessen.

Stretching is also important. It’s vital to stretch before and after your workout. This helps prevent muscle cramping and encourages the flow of blood throughout your body.

Exercising Tips

How often do you need to exercise with high blood pressure to avoid hypertension? How much is too much? Here are some tips to help you healthily manage your new workout regimen:

1. Make a Moderate Schedule

You don’t need to workout too quickly, and you don’t have to rush to meet your goals of building muscle and increasing strength. Fixing your body takes time, and your workouts shouldn’t be too strenuous that you feel like passing out. A good basic schedule would be to try and walk for 30 minutes, five days a week.

2. Don’t Forget to Warm Up

Your warm-ups are just as important as the workout itself. Get the body moving, start getting your blood flowing, and prevent the risk of injury. Do some stretches for about 5-10 minutes before you get into your exercise regime.

3. Don’t Exert Yourself

Remember that you don’t need to do too much too fast. Work your body to the best of your ability, and don’t forget to cool down when you’re done. Overdoing it can cause irreversible damage, and untreated levels of blood pressure and blood sugar can lead to a diagnosis of diabetes. You’ll need to visit a diabetes specialist to treat it.

Exercising and Safety

Patients with hypertension often wonder about the validity and safety of implementing an exercise regime while dealing with high blood pressure. Exercising is not only safe but encouraged as a way to restore health to the body.

Dr. Gura mentions that being active is the best thing to do for your high blood pressure. Stimulating blood circulation through exercise while sweating and breathing hard can really help your body establish homeostasis.

Find Fast and Easy Treatment for Hypertension Today

When you are first diagnosed with high blood pressure, you’ll want to speak with your board-certified health specialist to come up with a regimen for future care. Thankfully, there are several things you can do on your own to bring your blood pressure down and invest in your better health. Being active is one of the best ways to take matters into your own hands, and exercising with high blood pressure can be beneficial if done right.

Find out more about what high blood pressure means to you and what your options for treatment are. Contact Dr. Gura online or give our office a call at (310) 550-6240 to schedule a consultation today.