Can You Exercise with Hypertension?

After a diagnosis of high blood pressure, you may go through several lifestyle changes. You may wonder if things will ever go back to normal and if you can still do your favorite physical activities to ease your stress. Can you exercise with hypertension? Are there ways to exercise that are safe for the body?

Can You Exercise with Hypertension?

Here are a few important things to know about high blood pressure and exercising from your hypertension specialist in LA. Keep an eye on this guide if you want to stay active after your high blood pressure diagnosis.

Step 1: Check with Your Doctor

You should always ask your doctor if it is okay to exercise before you embark on a new workout routine. If you aren’t already active, you might want to get some lifestyle tips for people with hypertension. Activity is good for your blood pressure, so your doctor will likely want to support you getting into more exercise. It’s just important to do it the right way.

Another good idea is to find out how often you should exercise so that it does the most for your health. While some amount of exercise is good for people diagnosed with high blood pressure, there is such a thing as too much physical activity. You can engage in moderate activity, like walking or jogging, for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Shorter, more vigorous exercises can be done 3-4 days a week. Still, it’s important to ask your doctor if you can exercise on a schedule that you want.

Find an Exercise that Works for You

According to the American Heart Association, physical activity is actually highly recommended for those diagnosed with hypertension. In fact, folks with high blood pressure who work out several hours a week are almost 20% less likely to have pervasive symptoms of high blood pressure. Your doctor might recommend that you start out with specific body exercises, including:

  • Strength training can help you build up muscle, allowing you to burn more calories naturally throughout the day.
  • Aerobics exercises are good for your heart’s health and will lower your blood pressure.
  • Stretching is essential for a healthy body, contributing to flexibility and movement while preventing injury.

If there is a certain exercise you really want to do, such as biking, swimming, or jogging, the odds are that you can do it. However, you should still speak with your doctor before you engage in any kind of exercise regimen.

Stick to a Good Exercise Schedule

If you are truly committed to getting some good exercise and reducing the symptoms of hypertension in your body, you’ll have to stick to a routine. The best way to stick with your exercise goals is to incorporate it into your weekly schedule. Don’t forget stretching and warm-ups as part of any good important exercise routine.

What’s more important is that you find something that you enjoy doing. There is no point in exercising if it only feels like a chore. Find an activity you are passionate about, and try to find a buddy to exercise with if you can. That way, you can keep each other accountable while you continue to improve your health.

Find Your Favorite Exercise Routine with Dr. Gura Today

If you are still struggling to find a good life balance after your hypertension diagnosis, it can be hard to find a way to incorporate exercise into your schedule. The best way to shape your new workout regimen is to get in touch with Dr. Gura, your hypertension specialist in LA. After a personal consultation, our experts can help you come up with a personalized care plan that keeps your symptoms at bay while promoting better and better health.