10 Questions to Ask at Year Physical Exams

Annual physical exams are a necessary part of ensuring your long-term health. In fact, they are an effective form of preventive healthcare. Annual physical exams can help assess your overall health, identify potential health risks, and catch underlying health issues early on. An annual exam often includes a physical exam, blood work, and a review of your medical history. Attending your annual physical exams can help improve your long-term health outcomes. Below you will find 10 questions to ask at year physical exams.

10 Questions to Ask at Year Physical Exams

Your annual physical exam is a great time to ask any health questions you have. Consider asking your doctor the following questions during your physical exam.

How Do I Get My Results?

It’s important to understand when and how you will get your exam results. Ask your doctor where you should look for your results, when you should expect them, and how you will be contacted if there are any concerning health results.

Does My Family History Matter?

Because your family health history can have an impact on your health, it’s important to discuss it with your doctor. They can help you determine which health issues place you at a higher risk and how you can take preventative steps to protect your health.

Is Stress Impacting My Health?

If you have been experiencing mental health issues it’s important to consult with your medical provider about it. Each patient is different so it’s important to mention any new symptoms you may be experiencing, such as headaches, irritability, anger, and unusual changes in your sleeping habits.

Is My Weight Normal?

Managing your weight is an important part of your long-term health. Being underweight or overweight can have an impact on your health. Your physical exam will include taking your weight. Consult with your doctor about your current weight and if any changes need to be made to improve your health.

What Vaccinations Do I Need?

Most medical providers recommend getting your annual flu shot, but you should ask what other vaccinations may be necessary. This can depend on your age, and other life events so be sure to check in about what vaccinations you should get and when you should get them.

Are My Lifestyle Habits Unhealthy?

There are a number of habits that can harm your health. Things like smoking, drinking, risky sexual behavior, poor diet, unhealthy sleep habits, and a lack of exercise can all impact your health. Talk to your doctor about your lifestyle habits to ensure you stay healthy.

Do I Need New Prescriptions?

It’s helpful to go over your current prescriptions and how they are working for you. New medications may offer improved benefits with less side effects, or there may be non-medicinal alternatives. While you may be able to continue taking your current prescriptions, it’s important to double check.

What Are My Numbers?

Understanding your cholesterol and blood pressure numbers is important for your health. Issues with both can place you at a higher risk for heart disease and other harmful health issues. Talk with your doctor about how to keep your numbers in a healthy range.

Am I Old Enough For This?

As you hit certain age milestones, it can trigger the need for certain medical screenings. Things like mammograms, colonoscopies, and other tests are often dependent on your age. A kidney specialist and internist can be beneficial for adults as they specialize in internal organs and systems of the body.

When Do I Come In Next?

While you should get your annual physicals, you may need to come in for additional appointments. Talk with your doctor about any upcoming tests or appointments you need to attend.