
Featured image for Can You Live With One Kidney?

Can You Live with One Kidney?

Your kidneys are integral to your overall health. They are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and producing a hormone that leads to the production of red blood cells. Most people are born with two kidneys, though this is not always the case. Due to the importance of these organs, you may wonder, … Read more

Featured image for " Can a Kidney Infection Cause Bloating?"

Can a Kidney Infection Cause Bloating?

Bloating of any kind can prove unpleasant, ranging from mild discomfort to incessant pain. Its causes range from simple digestive issues to disease. But can a kidney infection cause bloating? We look at the role kidneys play in your health and what symptoms an infection may present.   How Do I Tell If I Have … Read more

Featured image for How to Prevent Kidney Failure

How to Prevent Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is a medical emergency that occurs when the kidneys are stressed to the point of failing. This condition can quickly become life-threatening and must be dealt with immediately. Even then, it can create long-term health consequences for those who face it. Following this, preventing kidney failure should count among an individual’s long-term health … Read more

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Tips for Adjusting To Your Dialysis Routine

Dialysis treatment can lead to significant changes in your daily routine and sometimes be difficult to adjust to. Having patience with yourself and recognizing that you are facing a substantial life change is important. To counter potentially overwhelming feelings, it can be helpful to remind yourself of the necessity of your treatment and think of … Read more

Featured image for How To Determine Which Type of Dialysis Is Best For You

How To Determine Which Type of Dialysis Is Best for You

Your kidneys are a vital organ, integral to your overall health. When they fail, they no longer filter your blood as needed, and waste and toxins build up in your bloodstream. Kidney failure is highly detrimental to your health and requires treatment, the most popular of which is dialysis. Below, you will find helpful information … Read more

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Main Causes of Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a common condition that impacts the arteries. When you have high blood pressure, your heart has to work much harder to pump blood through your system. Millions of people are impacted by the condition, which requires medical intervention to manage, as it can be deadly if left … Read more

Most Common Kidney Problems

Healthy kidneys are essential when it comes to your overall health. The kidneys are responsible for several key jobs pertaining to your internal health. They filter out waste, regulate levels of certain nutrients, and produce hormones. Due to their importance, taking care of your kidney health is key for your long-term health. Several factors impact … Read more

Symptoms of Proteinuria

Symptoms of Proteinuria

The importance of your kidneys can never be overemphasized. They do not only remove the waste, toxins, and excess water from your body, but they also balance your body’s fluids, release hormones responsible for the regulation of your blood pressure, produce vitamin D to help keep your bones healthy, control the production of red blood … Read more

3 Main Types of Dialysis

Living with kidney failure is an overwhelmingly difficult challenge. However, technological and medical advances have made it possible for patients to manage this medical problem and prolong their lives. When kidneys fail, they can no longer filter waste and excess fluids from the blood. However, dialysis performs this important function of healthy kidneys and allows … Read more

Featured image for Recommended Health Screenings Throughout Life

Recommended Health Screenings Throughout Life

As one progresses through life, staying on top of routine health screenings can help you stay informed on your general state of health. In addition, it can help prevent you from falling prey to chronic health issues that become worse with time. Below, we cover recommended health screenings throughout life. However, in order to benefit … Read more