Kidney Dialysis

Kidney Dialysis Specialist

Dr. Victor Gura is a world-renowned board-certified internist and nephrologist specializing in kidney dialysis. Dialysis is a treatment that acts as a substitute for people who do not have kidneys that function regularly. If you are facing kidney failure, kidney dialysis is a life-saving procedure. It allows people an opportunity to live gratifying lives. The two (2) leading kidney dialysis treatments are Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis.

  • Our kidneys are the major organs in our body, which serve the primary function of filtering waste from our blood.
  • Dialysis helps patients by operating in place of failing kidneys.
  • Approximately 468,000 people receive dialysis every day.
  • Over 193,000 people received a kidney transplant for end-stage renal disease in 2015.
Dialysis treatment machine

Years of Effective Dialysis Treatment

Dr. Gura has worked with countless patients to provide effective kidney dialysis in Los Angeles. Every patient is a unique case, requiring an individual approach that considers your specific needs. Dr. Gura focuses on maintaining quality of life and supporting the patient’s regular activity.

Importance of Addressing Kidney Health Issues

The kidneys play a central role in the body’s health. When patients develop kidney disease or acute kidney injury, it is vital to address the problem and seek management solutions. By working with an experienced physician, patients can reclaim a sense of control over their bodies through personalized, effective treatment plans.

Comfortable, Compassionate Dialysis Care

We understand that going through kidney dialysis can be a challenge for most patients. That is why Dr. Gura and his staff go the extra mile to create a welcoming, caring, and confidential atmosphere for each of our patients. The goal is to allow patients to function in their regular activities. While you are here, we are ready to provide any support and answer any questions to make for a positive experience.

Kidney Dialysis Q & A

With this type of dialysis, a machine and filter are placed in the bloodstream. It removes excess waste and products from your kidneys. Your artery is joined to a vein, and it creates a massive blood vessel. This area is called a fistula. Dr. Gura uses a plastic tube to connect the vein and artery during the hemodialysis treatment. Next, Dr. Gura uses a thin tube which he inserts in a vein in your neck or the groin area of your leg. It is usually a temporary procedure dependent on your condition and whether Dr. Gura’s need for access will be permanent or not.

The unique filter used during hemodialysis maintains the balance of minerals in your body. While still removing the excess waste products and water from your blood. Another way to think about this is hemodialysis uses an external device and filter to remove all the excess water from your bloodstream. Inside the dialysis machine, a solution on the other side of the filter absorbs all the waste products from you. Dr. Gura will discuss with you in detail the seriousness of your condition and how long your hemodialysis sessions will be.

Dr. Gura performs a Peritoneal Dialysis procedure by using a dialysis solution which goes in your abdomen through a catheter. All of the excess fluid and waste are sucked through the dialysis solution and removed from your bloodstream by the solution. The procedure can take up to five (5) to six (6) hours in dumping and filtering all of the waste. The fluid Dr. Gura uses during this treatment is called Dialysate. With Peritoneal Dialysis, your body tissue inside the stomach acts as the filter. A plastic tube is still inserted through a dialysis catheter to aid in the removal of the fluid and waste. Peritoneal dialysis means that you play an essential part in your dialysis treatment. The most significant thing you have to do is make sure that you prevent infection on the surface of your stomach where Dr. Gura inserts the catheter.

Chronic Kidney Failure (CKD) or End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is an illness where your kidneys stop working. With ESRD, your kidneys lose their ability to filter the waste from your blood and transmute it into your urine. There are two (2) main reasons for kidney failure, which cause you to need dialysis treatment. Dr. Gura treats patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, and these are the most commonly associated with dialysis and CKD. Dr. Gura specializes in the treatment of your kidneys.

For this reason, he is called a Nephrologist. Dr. Gura will decide if you are a candidate for dialysis by order specific tests to determine several blood chemical levels in your body. There are two (2) primary levels he wants to measure. The first is the creatine level, and the second is the blood urea nitrogen level. When these two (2) levels start to rise, it tells Dr. Gura that your kidneys are losing their ability to rid your blood of waste and fluid.

Common causes of kidney failure

Diabetesis considered to be the primary cause of chronic kidney failure. Over your life, high glucose levels in your body destroy your kidney’s ability to flux toxins and waste from your blood. At this point, dialysis becomes your only viable option. High blood pressure or hypertension is the second leading cause of CKD or renal failure. As your blood pressure rises, your kidneys are trying to compensate for the rise in demand. Over time, scar tissue builds up, and it results in massive damage to your kidneys. Specifically, your kidneys are no longer able to filter toxins and fluid from your blood correctly.

Tips to Keep Your Fluid Down on Dialysis

Dr. Gura advises patients that it is critical not to have fluid gain between your dialysis treatments. Dialysis requires a lot of work on the part of you, the patient. It is vital to your health and a significant factor in your day-to-day well being. By keeping your fluid levels low, it decreases your risk for congestive heart failure, hypertension, and pulmonary edema. There are shorter-term side effects of having too much fluid while on dialysis. You may experience headaches, difficulty breathing, and cramps. While these may not be life-threatening, they are uncomfortable and something Dr. Gura wants you to avoid altogether. Dr. Gura has listed some helpful, practical, tips to keep your fluid levels balanced and in check while you are on dialysis.

Buy a bag of ice

Buy a bag of ice cubes and place it in the freezer. You can suck on ice cubes throughout the day. Only put a few ice cubes in your glass to avoid the temptation to fill the entire glass with ice.

Purchase quality digital scales

Purchase scales which will measure with an accuracy of 200 grams. It is an accuracy close enough to give you an excellent idea of your fluid gain. Make a point to note the difference between Dr. Gura’s dialysis center scales, and the scales at your home, so you have an accurate reflection of any increase. Always weigh yourself first thing in the morning. When you get home from work or at the end of the day, you should weigh yourself again. Always do this at the same times every day.

Save up your fluids

If you are going somewhere, you might feel tempted to drink more fluids than you usually would try and save up your fluids beforehand. For example, if you have dialysis at lunch on Thursday and you go back Saturday morning, and you have a wedding reception to attend Friday evening. Well, this could be a potential problem. Try to drink as little as you can between Thursday at lunch and the reception on Friday. It will be a reward of sorts. Planning is critical to feeling like a normal person while on dialysis and still enjoying life.

Stay occupied

Just like being on a diet, almost any dialysis patient will tell you that boredom is a big mental hurdle. If you are bored and not busy, you will think about drinking fluid. Dr. Gura recommends going for a leisurely walk, send emails to friends, make some quick phone calls. Perhaps, you go to the library and read. Anything you can do to keep your mind occupied and away from wanting to overdo it on your fluid intake.

Frozen water

Take empty water bottles and fill them with the pre-allowed amount of water you can have for the day. Next, put them in the freezer before you go to bed. Throughout the day you will be able to sip them, ice-cold as they defrost. While it may not be the perfect solution, it does give you the benefit of having a little bit of ice-cold water throughout the day without feeling deprived.