
Proteinuria Specialist

Proteinuria, or excess protein in the urine, can be a sign of kidney damage and other serious medical issues. Dr. Gura uses state-of-the-art testing and diagnostic techniques to determine the cause of proteinuria so patients at his practice in Beverly Hills, California can receive the most appropriate and most effective care.
Stock image of a person holding testing tubes to proteinuria

Evaluation and Diagnosis

Having protein in urine must always be studied. Working with a specialist is the crucial first step to understanding the cause for proteinuria and what your options are moving forward. Once diagnosed (or any conditions are ruled out), you can have the peace of mind that comes with having a path forward.

Building Your Treatment Plan

The reasons for proteinuria can vary, and so too do the approaches to helping patients overcome the cause. If protein in urine is a sign of a more serious condition, we will work with you to create a plan that addresses the core cause.

How Do You Check for Proteinuria?

We provide outpatient tests for examining urine samples, allowing for the detection of not only protein but also other elements. Urine tests are one of the staples of medical screening, allowing physicians to evaluate the function of the body’s organs and internal systems. A professional urine test is the most reliable way to screen for proteinuria.

Proteinuria Q & A

Proteinuria describes a condition where an excess of protein is detected in the urine. Urinalysis (urine testing) checks for different substances present in urine samples, including blood sugar (glucose) and protein. A certain level of protein is considered normal, but when the amount of protein exceeds this level, it’s a sign your kidneys may not be functioning properly. Measuring for levels of protein in the urine is an important part of screening for possible kidney disease.
No, sometimes protein levels can become elevated as a result of other issues, including some illnesses or infections, fever, emotional stress, exposure to extreme temperatures or strenuous activity. These elevations are temporary and in the case of infection, they usually return to normal levels once the infection is successfully treated with antibiotics. If a urine sample shows unusually high levels of protein, a follow-up test will be ordered to determine if the increased level is a temporary change or if it’s persistent, in which case it could be a sign of an ongoing kidney problem. If you have diabetes, you’ll usually undergo urine testing on a regular basis to ensure your kidneys are functioning properly.
No, while kidney damage and kidney disease can cause protein levels to become elevated, other diseases and conditions can also cause an abnormal increase in urine protein levels, including: diabetes, heart disease and heart failure, high blood pressure, lupus, some cancers including leukemia and Hodgkin’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Berger’s disease, glomerulonephritis and other inflammatory conditions of the kidneys, and pregnancy.
Urine testing is usually performed during an annual physical. Generally, people with diabetes or risk factors for kidney disease should be screened more frequently.

Importance of Working With an Experienced Specialist

If you have protein in the urine, understanding the core cause is crucial. Due to the varied reasons protein may be present in urine, an accurate diagnosis requires a knowledgeable and experienced approach. Earlier detection and accurate diagnosis are the foundation for setting up effective condition treatments and management.

Visit a Leading Internist for Care

Dr. Gura specializes in evaluating and providing treatment plans for patients with conditions related to proteinuria. From screening to building a care plan, he works closely with patients each step of the way. Call his office in Los Angeles or use our online form to reach out today.