Chronic Kidney Disease

A Specialist with Years of Experience

Dr. Gura has decades of experience and has helped improve internal health for countless patients over the years. He continually improves his treatment methods, staying up to date on the latest in kidney health care and research. His commitment to patient well-being has made him a local leader in kidney health in the Los Angeles area, improving the lives of his patients through effective, compassionate care, saving many lives.
Stock image of a patient explaining kidney parts

A Professor & Educator with Adaptive Treatment Solutions

Dr. Gura has served as a university professor teaching medical students in UCLA since 1992. He has given classes on kidney diseases and dialysis for many years and taught in many medical schools around the world.

The causes and severity of kidney disease can vary from one patient to the next. Thus, working with an experienced internist is essential to receiving the right treatment for symptom relief and condition management. We supplement all treatments with routine testing to track efficacy, closely monitoring how a condition and patient respond to treatment.


Chronic versus Acute Kidney Concerns

Acute kidney injury tends to occur over a shorter time, with symptoms arising more quickly. Chronic kidney disease tends to develop over a period of years, with a more gradual symptom onset. The causes may differ, which also means the treatments for each condition can vary. Your kidney specialist will determine which condition you have and help develop an appropriate management plan.

Chronic Kidney Disease Q & A

Also called Chronic Kidney Failure, Chronic Kidney Disease is a condition that develops when kidney function has been impaired for a long period. Your kidneys are responsible for filtering wastes out of your blood, and when they fail to perform that function on a regular basis, waste products can build up and cause serious illness. Chronic Kidney Disease tends to develop over a long period – sometimes years – and may cause few or no noticeable symptoms in its earliest stages.
Chronic Kidney Disease has been linked with several risk factors, including: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, kidney inflammation, polycystic kidney disease, recurrent kidney infections, heart disease, family history of kidney problems, older age, smoking, and prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract as a result of tumors, kidney stones or other issues.
In its early stages, Chronic Kidney Disease often causes no symptoms, but as it progresses it can cause signs and symptoms of nausea and vomiting; fatigue; problems sleeping; reduced urine output; “brain fog” or problems concentrating; loss of appetite; swelling of the feet and ankles; muscle twinges or cramps; and widespread itching. Also, as fluids and toxins build up, shortness of breath and chest pain may occur, and blood pressure may begin to rise. Because the kidneys can initially compensate for the loss of function, many people do not know they have chronic kidney disease until permanent damage has occurred. Having regular screenings with blood and urine tests is important for “catching” the disease in its early stages. When kidney disease is suspected, a biopsy may be performed to obtain a small tissue sample for further evaluation.
Sometimes, Chronic Kidney Disease can be cured with lifestyle changes, medication, and short-term dialysis. But in many cases, treatment is focused on managing symptoms to slow the progression of the disease and reduce the risk of complications. Ongoing dialysis and kidney transplant may be required in patients who continue to progress.

Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease

While some causes of kidney disease might be out of a patient’s control, sometimes lifestyle changes can prove protective. Some common risk factors for CKD include:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Family history of CDK
  • Older age
  • Obesity

Begin Working With a Specialist Today

Dr. Gura has been serving Los Angeles for years as a leading kidney specialist. His approach to managing chronic kidney disease in patients focuses on their whole well-being, providing both health and symptom improvements through personalized approaches to management.