
Diabetes Specialist

About 30 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and many are undiagnosed. As a board-certified kidney specialist and internist, Dr. Gura helps patients in and around Beverly Hills, California, manage diabetes and avoid serious complications including kidney failure.
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Personalized Management of Diabetic Kidney Disease

The origin and severity of diabetes can vary from one patient to the next. So too must a beneficial management plan adapt to the individual’s needs and health requirements. Dr. Gura works closely with patients to find the best solutions for managing diabetes-related problems. From medication adjustments to lifestyle recommendations, we take a holistic approach to promoting your continued wellness.

When Should I See a Specialist?

Patients who are diagnosed with diabetes will all have a different experience. In some cases, uncomplicated cases may not require a specialist. However, Dr. Gura can serve both as a primary care doctor and as a specialist, working with patients with any type or severity of diabetes. From diagnosis to long-term care plans, Dr. Gura is glad to provide quality care for his Los Angeles Patients.

Building a Care Team

Diabetes often occurs in conjunction with other conditions. In these cases, effective treatment depends on having effective communication between members of your care team. Dr. Gura works closely with other specialists in the LA area to ensure all management options are in line with other aspects of a patient’s medical care and history.

Diabetes Q & A

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the levels of blood sugar (glucose) and insulin are imbalanced. The body requires optimal levels of both glucose and insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, to function normally. When this balance is disrupted, tissue and organ damage can occur if the condition is not managed medically.
Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that almost always begins in childhood. In type I diabetes, the pancreas produces very little insulin or none at all, allowing blood glucose levels to rise to dangerous levels. Type II diabetes occurs most commonly in adults who are obese, although recently, more children have been developing type II diabetes as well. In this type, insulin is produced but the body doesn’t metabolize it properly. Gestational diabetes is a third type that only develops during pregnancy.
Diabetes has been linked with several risk factors, including having a family history of the disease; being overweight or obese; leading a sedentary lifestyle; having high blood pressure (hypertension), and having high cholesterol. Some research has indicated certain viral illnesses may also increase some individual’s risks for developing type I diabetes.
Diabetes has been linked with increased risks for several major medical issues, including: kidney damage and kidney failure, nerve damage, especially in the feet and lower legs, circulation problems, which may result in a need for amputation, cardiovascular disease, vision loss, hearing loss, serious skin infections and slow-to-heal sores, and dementia including Alzheimer’s disease.
Some mild forms of type II diabetes may be managed with lifestyle changes like eating a healthier diet, losing weight and being more physically active. Other patients with type I or type II may require the use of insulin to keep glucose levels under control.

Importance of Effective Diabetes Management

Untreated diabetes can lead to a range of health concerns. That is why diligent management of the condition is a patient’s greatest asset. From in-office care to day-to-day adherence to treatments, every aspect of your plan can empower you to live a full life.

Visit Dr. Gura for Diabetic Kidney Today

Having diabetes is not the end of the story. Book your consultation visit with Dr. Gura today to take a step toward reclaiming control over your life. As a leading kidney diabetes specialist in the Los Angeles area, he has worked with thousands of patients, providing effective care solutions that help maintain and restore a patient’s comfort, confidence, and quality of life.