Most Common Kidney Problems

Healthy kidneys are essential when it comes to your overall health. The kidneys are responsible for several key jobs pertaining to your internal health. They filter out waste, regulate levels of certain nutrients, and produce hormones. Due to their importance, taking care of your kidney health is key for your long-term health. Several factors impact your kidney health and can lead to kidney issues. Below, you will find the most common kidney problems.

Most Common Kidney Problems

Your kidneys play a vital role in your health. They are responsible for filtering out waste, excess water, and other impurities. They are also responsible for regulating salt, potassium, and more. They produce several hormones that are critical to your health. They include hormones that regulate blood pressure and control the production of red blood cells. Millions of Americans suffer from kidney issues. The following are the most common kidney problems.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease is a condition characterized by the loss of kidney function. It is caused by diabetes, hypertension, and polycystic kidney disease. This is a long-term condition that gradually impacts your kidneys over time. The disease eventually progresses to end-stage renal disease. This requires kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant. If left untreated, it can lead to complete kidney failure.

Common symptoms of the condition include shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, swelling in your lower extremities, and frequent urination. It is critical to consult with a medical professional if you experience any of the symptoms related to chronic kidney disease.

Acute Kidney Injury

Acute kidney injury is characterized by a sudden loss of kidney function. This condition can occur quickly, in as little as a few hours or a few days. Prompt medical attention is necessary to ensure that your kidneys are not damaged or worse. An infection, severe dehydration, certain medications, or kidney stones often cause acute kidney injury.

Several symptoms are associated with acute kidney injury. These include decreased urination, swelling in the lower extremities, swelling around the eyes, shortness of breath, confusion, and chest pain or pressure. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult with a kidney specialist in Beverly Hills right away.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are made up of hard mineral and salt deposits. They form inside the kidneys and can vary in size. They are often passed through the urinary tract and are highly painful. In fact, common symptoms of kidney stones are pain in the lower abdomen, groin, side, and back. They also cause pain during urination. Kidney stones can cause your urine to be pink, red, or brown. Some people even experience nausea and vomiting.

Kidney stones have several causes. This includes dehydration, certain medications, and even a family history of the condition. A diet high in salt, sugar, and protein can also cause kidney stones. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s critical to consult with a medical professional. Kidney stones can pass through your urinary tract. However, in some cases, medical procedures are sometimes necessary.

Kidney Disease Prevention

Issues with your kidney have several causes. Lifestyle habits and genetics are the top culprits. This is why it is important to maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated. A diet low in salt and sugar and rich in diverse fruits and vegetables is key. In addition to a healthy diet, staying active and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk for kidney issues. Avoiding smoking and excessive drinking is also beneficial.

If you have a family history of kidney disease, consult with a specialist on how to reduce your risk for the condition. Dr. Gura is a renowned kidney specialist and internist. Contact his team today to schedule an appointment!