FAQs About Kidney Disease

Q:What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD?)

A: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is reduced kidney function that lasts for more than three months due to kidney damage. CKD can lead to renal failure or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD,) a condition which requires you to undergo Dialysis to stay alive. If you have ESRD, the only way to stop Dialysis treatment is to have a kidney transplant. 

Q: What is ESRD?

A: ESRD, or End Stage Renal Disease, is total and permanent kidney failure. Since the kidneys are a filtering organ, their failure causes the body to retain fluid and waste products. This can kill you. ESRD requires you to have Dialysis treatments, and eventually a kidney transplant, to stay alive.

Q: Is there a cure for either of these conditions?

A: There is no known cure for either CKD or ESRD. However, there are steps you can take to manage the conditions. Have regular checkups so that you can count on early diagnosis and treatment which will allow you to lead a full, productive life. If you have CKD, you may be able to slow the progression of the disease in this manner.

Q: What is Dialysis?

A: Dialysis is a way of mechanically cleaning your blood; a dialysis machine does some of the work your kidneys should, but can no longer, do. “It is a medical treatment for people with ESRD that includes:

  • Removing waste, salt and extra water from your body
  • Regulating your body’s fluid balance
  • Helping to control your blood pressure”


Q: What are the most common types of Dialysis?

A: There are two main types of dialysis: hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD.) They each have different advantages, requirements and scheduling options. The one you should choose depends on your health, lifestyle, and other factors as discussed with your internist in Beverly Hills.

Hemodialysis (HD)

Simply put, during hemodialysis the blood is taken out of the body and filtered through a machine, then returned through the body. Read about In-Center and At-Home Hemodialysis.

Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)

The lining of the abdomen is called the peritoneum. The space in the abdomen is called  the peritoneal cavity. These are what peritoneal dialysis is named for, because it relies on the natural abdominal lining to filter the blood.

Q: What is the Wearable Artificial Kidney (W.A.K.?)

A: Your internist in Beverly Hills, Dr. Gura, is the inventor of the Wearable Artificial Kidney (W.A.K.) – a breakthrough technology. One of the main drawbacks to dialysis is the bulky machinery which requires you to sit in place for long periods of time. Dr. Gura has overcome this limitation with the W.A.K, “a miniaturized dialysis machine that a patient can wear 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Q: Will the W.A.K be a cost-effective option?

A: The W.A.K. can potentially and dramaticallycut the costs of treatment for patients suffering from kidney disease.

Q: How does the W.A.K. work?

A: The W.A.K. “can be ergonomically adapted to the patient’s body for maximum comfort while being worn. The entire device weighs less than 10 pounds, operates on 9-volt batteries, and uses less than 400 ml of fluid,” making it more efficient that traditional dialysis machines.

Q: Can my internist in Beverly Hills prescribe the Wearable Artificial Kidney for me/my loved one?

A: “Dr. Gura’s first human trial of the Wearable Artificial Kidney demonstrated the proof-of-concept of the device (as reported in kidneynews.org.)” Doctors are not able to prescribe the W.A.K. just yet, but keep checking the news, especially with your internist in Beverly Hills, to hear about developments in this hugely promising technology.

Internist in Beverly Hills

Dr. Victor Gura is a world-renowned, board certified nephrologist and internist in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease and dialysis technology. He is the creator of the W.A.K. (Wearable Artificial Kidney,) an ergonomic, fully portable dialysis machine that patients can wear 24/7. To treat kidney disease, as well as for routine physical exams and preventative medicine, call Dr. Gura at 310-550-6240 or Contact/Book Online.