Everybody Pees: Using Humor to Raise Kidney Health Awareness

The US National Kidney Foundation (NKF) has rolled out a humorous and educational campaign to encourage people to take care of their kidneys. The campaign is the organization’s first attempt to motivate people to get their urine screened from a relatable, lighthearted consumer angle.

With an animated video entitled ‘Everybody Pees’ plus a dedicated website at www.everybodypees.org, the NKF’s goal is to link the kidney’s primary function, which is the production of urine, to overall kidney health. Kevin Longino, interim chief executive of the National Kidney Foundation, said in a statement: “Our research has shown that half of Americans don’t understand that healthy kidneys are responsible for creating urine. Urine also happens to hold the key to catching kidney disease, especially among the 73 million Americans who are at risk. The message may be unconventional, but it is educational and actionable – get your urine checked for kidney health.” He added that the organization is using humor to get its message across while foregoing scare tactics. According to the NKF, more than 26 million American adults have kidney disease and most are not aware. The campaign was produced in partnership with Publicis LifeBrands Medicus.
