Understanding Your Kidneys

Your kidneys are vital organs that are integral to the waste process. They serve an important role in your body, and it’s necessary to make sure the kidneys are healthy and strong at all times. In order to help you understand the role and function of the kidneys, our friendly staff members at the office of Dr. Victor Gura have put together a small guide to show you what your kidneys are all about.

As the top kidney specialist in Los Angeles, Dr. Gura can’t emphasize the importance of kidneys enough. By reading the following information below, you can come to understand how the kidneys serve an excellent purpose in the body.

What Are the Kidneys?

The kidneys are a pair of organs in your body, located just below the rib cage. They are known for their bean-like shape. Have you ever heard of kidney beans? They are named that way because the beans look just like kidneys, both in shape and in color!

Each day, the two kidneys in your body filter between 120 and 150 quarts of blood, which in turn produces 1-2 quarts of urine. The kidneys are responsible for filtering urine, collecting waste and ultimately sending it to be disposed of. Since urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder, it is easy to see how integral the kidneys are to the digestion and waste management systems in your body.

How Do the Kidneys Work?

While the kidneys do work as a filtration system, they are not composed of a single large filter. Instead, each of the two kidneys are made up of nephrons, which are tiny filtering units. Each kidney has about one million nephrons, each of which contains a portion of blood.

The nephron is composed of three parts: The filter, the glomerulus, and the tubule. First, the glomerulus opens up to allow waste products to pass through it, blocking blood cells and large molecules from getting through. Then, this fluid and waste goes through the tubule, which is where the true filtration magic happens. In the tubule, the kidneys will separate vital minerals from the waste, sending the minerals to the bloodstream and allowing the waste to flow through it. The final product is urine, which immediately flows into the bladder for disposal.

Why are Kidneys Important?

Kidneys are extremely important because they keep the blood stable, which allows the body to continue to function normally. The kidneys prevent waste and toxins from entering the bloodstream, which is important to the body’s survival and good health.

Your kidneys also work to prevent wastes and fluids from building up in your body. They keep your levels of electrolytes stable, which includes the filtration of sodium, potassium, and phosphate.

The kidneys also produce vital hormones, which help the body function normally. These hormones can help to regulate blood pressure, create new red blood cells, and keep the bones strong.

Kidney Specialist in Los Angeles

When one or both of your kidneys stops working effectively, you can suffer some major health hazards throughout the body. When the kidneys go down, the rest of your body’s systems are sure to follow. Remember that your kidneys work hard to filter blood and produce urine, which can be safely flushed out of your body.

If you have any further questions or concerns about your kidneys, or if you’d like to schedule a consultation with the top kidney specialist in Los Angeles, you can reach out to us right away. Dr. Gura is always available to contact online, or you can give us a call at (310) 550-6240. Your kidney health is our number one priority!