Questions to Ask During Physical Exam

To schedule an annual exam, your primary care physician should be the one you contact. There are many recommendations about how often someone should be examined, depending on age and other medical conditions. Your internist in Los Angeles can help you schedule a physical exam that tends to your specific needs.

Questions to Ask During Physical Exam

You may have several questions to ask during physical exams. Below, our experts discuss the most common questions and their answers to help you stay fully prepared.

What is a Physical Exam?

An annual physical can be done in 30-60 minutes. They are important for keeping records of any changes to your health throughout the years. These appointments are quick and can detect any abnormalities or signs that may affect your health. It doesn’t matter what age you are, it is vital to see a trusted doctor. It can be beneficial to have professional monitoring of any changes in the body.

This is also a good time to ask any questions about your health or recent discomforts. A physical exam is an opportunity to talk with your doctor about your health and any problems you may have. Your physical exam can include a variety of tests. Your PCP may recommend additional testing depending on your age, medical history, or family history.

Do I Need a Specialist or a PCP?

Your primary healthcare provider is usually your first point of call for any health issues. Your primary care physician (PCP) can help with many of your health problems, but sometimes you might need specialist care. Your doctor can help you determine the next steps for your care plan if any issues are found during your exam.

Your doctor will not only treat your health problems but also make sure that you have all the information necessary to improve your health and prevent any future problems. Ask your doctor about the best ways to change your diet or which physical activities you can engage in. They should be able to tell you what habits you should stop or start, along with what medications need to be prescribed.

What Types of Tests Will Be Administered?

Your annual physical update will generally reflect any changes in your health. This could include changes like allergies, medication, injuries, or surgery. The following tests can be expected:

Vital Signs Exam

These include blood pressure and electrocardiogram (EKG). These tests are used to measure your blood pressure and respiratory rates. If there are any abnormalities, you may be referred for additional tests.

Visual Exam

A visual exam can be used to check for potential conditions. To determine if you have any conditions, your doctor will examine your head, eyes, and wrists using a visual inspection. If nothing looks out of place, they will continue to the rest of the physical checkup.

Physical Checkup

This may include testing motor function, listening to your heartbeat, and lungs, and checking for any other abnormalities throughout your body. This may also include checking your hair and skin.

Lab Screenings

To check for high cholesterol, kidney problems, diabetes, and other conditions, your doctor may draw blood or urine. Diabetes and high cholesterol can lead to heart disease. It is crucial to obtain this kind of information as you get older since aging bodies tend to reveal more symptoms.

Get Your Physical Exam Today!

Our annual exam schedule can help you keep up with your exams, or get you up to speed if you haven’t had one in a while. Get in touch with your local physical exam specialist in Los Angeles to book your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Gura. For a happy and long-lasting life, keep your health in good shape by visiting your doctor frequently. And never stop asking questions!