Kidney Disease in Younger Patients

Kidney disease is difficult to detect in adults but it’s even more difficult with children. Whether old or young, the symptoms can be ambiguous, and children might not always share the things going on in their bodies with their parents and they might not even understand exactly what is happening.

Damaged kidneys allow waste products and fluid to build up in our bodies causing ankle swelling, weakness, poor sleep, vomiting and shortness of breath. Without treatment, the damage worsens and eventually, the kidneys stop working.

Healthy kidneys keep our blood balanced by maintaining appropriate levels of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, water and other minerals. They also remove waste from our blood after digestion, physical activity, chemical exposure or medications. Our kidneys produce renin, which is what our body uses to manage blood pressure and erythropoietin, which prompts our body to make red blood cells. 

Kidney damage happens when there is not enough blood flow to the kidneys, there is direct damage done to the kidneys or there is a backup of urine. To learn more about your options for kidney treatment, contact the top internist in Beverly HillsDr. Victor Gura.

Common symptoms for children can include the following warning signs:

  • Swelling of the hands and feet and puffiness around the eyes.
  • A decrease or a lack of appetite.
  • The frequency of urination changes, either decreases or increases. Suddenly a child who has been using the bathroom on their own for years may wet the bed.
  • Severe changes in the color of their urine. It might appear dark or red which can indicate the presence of blood. Their urine might also appear foamy which means there is protein in the urine.
  • Your child might begin to suffer from headaches which can be a sign of high blood pressure.
  • You child complains of flu-like symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, weakness and vomiting.
  • Difficulty concentrating at school.
  • Stunted growth as compared to children of the same age.

If you have a history of kidney disease in your family, then it’s wise to get your child checked. Family history is an indicator of pediatric kidney disease.

Another common cause of childhood infections that can lead to kidney disease and in severe cases, kidney failure is the streptococcus bacteria and urinary tract infections. Strep infections should be treated with antibiotics immediately to avoid more long-term health issues. The strep bacteria can travel to the kidneys and cause them to be less effective in filtering urine.

If left untreated, urinary tract infections can lead to poor kidney function as well. Your physician will need to determine the cause and treat the situation appropriately. These types of infections can be treated easily and are typically not serious but if they reoccur, you should ask for more testing to be done to see if there is a blockage in the urinary tract or if there is a backup of urine from the bladder and into the kidneys.

Internist in Beverly Hills

Chronic kidney disease can often be difficult to detect in the initial stages because it causes few symptoms. Having routine screenings is important for maintaining optimal health. As a leading internist in Beverly Hills, Dr. Victor Gura is skilled in diagnosing and managing patients with chronic kidney disease, helping them to stay as healthy as possible and reducing their risk of complications.

Dr. Gura is a world-renowned and board-certified internist and nephrologist. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases and dialysis technology. Dr. Gura offers treatment options for diabetes, high blood pressure, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease and proteinuria. Book your consultation with Dr. Gura today.