Kidney Health

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Can You Live with One Kidney?

Your kidneys are integral to your overall health. They are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and producing a hormone that leads to the production of red blood cells. Most people are born with two kidneys, though this is not always the case. Due to the importance of these organs, you may wonder, … Read more

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Can a Kidney Infection Cause Bloating?

Bloating of any kind can prove unpleasant, ranging from mild discomfort to incessant pain. Its causes range from simple digestive issues to disease. But can a kidney infection cause bloating? We look at the role kidneys play in your health and what symptoms an infection may present.   How Do I Tell If I Have … Read more

Featured image for How to Prevent Kidney Failure

How to Prevent Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is a medical emergency that occurs when the kidneys are stressed to the point of failing. This condition can quickly become life-threatening and must be dealt with immediately. Even then, it can create long-term health consequences for those who face it. Following this, preventing kidney failure should count among an individual’s long-term health … Read more