Age as a Kidney Risk Factor

Kidney failure is not typically something you have to worry about every day. You might think that as you get older, your doctors will start to talk more frequently about your age as a kidney risk factor. However, the opposite is also true: medical professionals now warn patients that a younger age may pose a bigger risk of chronic kidney disease than older age. In fact, there are large percentages of young people dealing with this very same disease. So, let’s look at age as a kidney risk factor.

Age as a Kidney Risk Factor

There are a lot of reasons why this might be the case. Below, your local kidney specialist in Los Angeles will provide more clarity on the fact that the risks for kidney disease don’t necessarily have anything to do with being young or old – but a myriad of external factors. Let’s take a look at how age might affect your kidneys and some other warning signs to be on the lookout for all throughout your life.

Young Vs. Old: Age and Kidney Failure Risk

As mentioned above, there are a lot of reasons why studies have shown a greater risk of kidney failure at a younger age rather than an older age. For example, older folks are also at a greater risk for a number of other health issues in addition to kidney failure, so their ultimate cause of medical problems may not come from the kidneys at all. Young people are more likely to be affected by kidney failure because there is not the added risk of old age on top of it.

Additionally, a lot of people who have been diagnosed with kidney failure were not actually counted in these studies. Kidney failure may only be considered as such if the patient is actively on dialysis or is receiving/has received a kidney transplant. What is most important to understand about all of this is that it is a good idea to take care of your kidneys at any age, regardless of your personal level of risk.

Can Kidneys Grow Old?

Folks over the age of 60 are automatically at a higher risk of developing kidney disease for the simple fact that kidneys age along with the rest of the body. A 60-year-old pair of kidneys just will not function as well as a 20-year-old pair will. Johns Hopkins University researchers estimate that over 50% of people over the age of 75 already have some form of kidney disease.

It is vital that you visit your internist for a kidney disease screening on a regular basis after you turn 60 years old. You may also be dealing with additional risk factors such as genetics or a medical history of kidney problems from a very young age. The best way to keep those problems from getting worse is to actively practice kidney protection.

Kidney Disease Prevention and Protection

There are several things that you can do to ensure the health and function of your kidneys on a regular basis:

  • Quit smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol too frequently.
  • Visit the doctor at least once a year to have your kidneys checked.
  • Get tested for diabetes and high blood pressure as well.
  • Avoid NSAIDs (like ibuprofen).
  • Speak with your doctor about an appropriate diet and exercise routine.

Check-in with your doctor before you make any major decisions about your life and daily habits. Your healthcare team can help you prevent kidney disease while keeping your internal systems in good health no matter how young or old you are.

Transform Your Life with Innovative Kidney Treatments Today

If you have already been diagnosed with kidney disease and you are currently seeking the best treatments, you have come to the right place. The office of Dr. Gura is equipped to offer advanced treatments and trusted healing plans to keep your kidneys on track with quick recovery. Learn more about our dialysis and wearable artificial kidney options when you visit our offices today. Call now to schedule your personal consultation!