10 Hidden Signs of Diabetes

As one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in the United States, diabetes is often seen as a silent killer. Millions of people are living with undiagnosed diabetes, and even more people are struggling to adapt to the lifestyle of care and caution that it takes when living with Type 2 diabetes.

10 Hidden Signs of Diabetes

When it comes to a disease like this, early diagnosis is key to helping you continue a normal, healthy life. Below, you’ll find 10 hidden signs of diabetes that your internist in Los Angeles wants you to be aware of.

Constant Thirst

Everyone should be drinking plenty of water throughout the day, but if you are drinking more than a gallon and that still isn’t quenching your thirst, there may be a problem. High blood sugar causes feelings of thirst that won’t go away after drinking water.

Constant Hunger

On the same end, those with undiagnosed diabetes may also be left with feelings of unquenched hunger. Again, high blood sugar is to blame. This makes it confusing for your brain to figure out whether or not you need food, causing you to eat a lot more during the day than you feel you should.

Tingling All Over

Blood sugar fluctuations can do quite the number on your nerves, which could cause feelings of tingling or numbness. Some also express feeling a “pins and needles” sensation, which feels like small needles poking you in different parts of your body. This may be a red flag that something is wrong, and it’s best to make an appointment with your internist right away.

Constant Urination

Do you always feel like you have to pee, even if you just went to the bathroom? Multiple trips throughout the day could mean that your kidneys are inundated with sugar. They are constantly attempting to flush the sugar out, resulting in more than three or four trips to the bathroom each day. Reducing caffeine intake at night could help to reduce frequent urination.


If you are physically weaker than usual, or you are constantly feeling as though you are about to faint, you might be dealing with the early stages of diabetes. If you can no longer do many of the typical daily activities that you used to, you should schedule an appointment with your internist for a possible diabetes diagnosis.

Itching All Over

Whether or not you typically deal with itchy skin, excessive itching could be a red flag. Diabetes causes a lack of good circulation throughout the body, meaning that fewer nutrients are being dedicated to your skin. Over time your skin might become more dry and itchy, and you might start to itch more than usual.

Bad Moods

It doesn’t feel good to be having all of these different health issues associated with diabetes. Constant fluctuations in your body cause understandably irritable reactions, so you may find yourself in a worse mood than before. If your temper is short and unstable out of nowhere, you should get yourself to the doctor right away.

Increased UTIs

Whether or not you have ever had a urinary tract infection before, the likelihood that you will develop more of them when you have diabetes is high. Be on the lookout for symptoms of UTIs or yeast infections, which can make it very painful to pee. This may get worse the longer it remains untreated.

Blurred Vision

The higher the sugar count in your blood, the more likely you are to swell throughout various parts of your body. One area, the eyes, is especially susceptible to blood sugar. Your eyes may start to blur as your lenses swell due to the amount of sugar in your blood. If your blood sugar were to drop, your vision would likely clear up. This can be a dangerous sign of undiagnosed diabetes so it’s best to visit your doctor ASAP.

Infections and Slow-Healing Wounds

When someone with diabetes gets an injury, it can take twice as long – or longer – to heal than an injury on someone without diabetes. Not to mention, high blood sugar does damage to the immune system, making you more susceptible to various types of infections. If you are getting lesions, skin infections, or other types of wounds a lot more frequently and they won’t seem to heal, this is a sure sign that you need to visit an internist.

Get Diabetes Treatment ASAP

If any of the above symptoms apply to you or someone you know, there is no time to wait. You need to schedule an appointment with your local diabetes specialist in Los Angeles so you can form a personal plan of care ASAP. The sooner you can start getting treated for diabetes, the better your outlook on life will be. Get in touch with us now to start healing the right way!