• Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

    on September 27th, 2023

Diabetes is a complex condition that primarily has to do with a lack of balance in a patient's blood sugar. This can have devastating effects on one's health and expresses itself in a variety of fashions. Although diabetes is more commonly understood to be a condition that affects adults, both types of diabetes are incredibly common in children as well. Below, we cover symptoms of diabetes in children.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

If you're concerned about the possibility of diabetes in your own children or are just curious about how this condition expresses itself in younger people, take a look at this overview of the symptoms of diabetes in children.

Type I Diabetes Symptoms

There are several common indications of diabetes type I in children. Some of the primary ones include the following:

Paying attention to the development of these issues is paramount – this is because the symptoms of Type I diabetes can appear rather rapidly.

Type II Diabetes Symptoms

The symptoms for the development of type II diabetes in children are oftentimes the same as the ones for type I. The major difference between the two is in the speed of onset of the symptoms.

In type I diabetes, the symptoms can appear rapidly within a matter of days. In type II diabetes, the symptoms develop much more gradually and slowly. They may slowly come into view over the course of weeks or months.

Pay attention to the general energy levels of your child, as that might be an indication that something is amiss with their blood sugar.

Type II diabetes can be presaged by several genetic risk factors. Understanding if you have the potential to pass these risk factors on to your children is important to determine whether you should pay attention to their potential ability to develop type II diabetes.

How To Approach Diabetes In Children

The fastest way to determine whether or not your child has developed diabetes of any kind is by heading to the doctor's office and giving them a blood sugar test.

These types of tests are fairly rudimentary and deliver rapid results with a simple pin-prick on the finger. If the rapid test indicates the presence of a blood sugar abnormality, your child will be referred to a diabetes specialist or nephrologist to determine the best path forward.

Be Aware of The Symptoms of Diabetes

Because the symptoms of childhood diabetes can be somewhat easy to miss, it's important to stay vigilant regarding the potential for development in your child.

A missed diabetes diagnosis can have fairly harsh consequences. There are a number of very serious medical conditions that can develop quite rapidly because of a missed diabetes diagnosis. Some of the common ones include:

These conditions can be easily avoided if a patient is diagnosed and treated earlier rather than later.

The Top Nephrologist of Beverly Hills

Victor Gura is widely considered to be the best nephrologist in Beverly Hills. If you're concerned that your child might be developing diabetes or are just interested in learning more about the symptoms, contact him today in order to schedule a consultation to stay vigilant.

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